Nicole Curtis – “Why I came back to TV” after a “Heart Wrenching” Life Chapter

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Nicole Curtis, the former star of the DIY’s network show Rehab Addict and her ex-boyfriend have finally signed a custody agreement bringing their years-long battle to an end. They will share custody of their 3-year old son Harper, according to documents signed this month in a Michigan court.

“As court documents indicate, an agreement was reached. As a parent you do whatever you do to keep the peace and calm for your child – this was the best for our son”, says Curtis.

She and her ex are also agreeing not to do or say anything in front of the child that portrays the other “in a negative or false light that will tend to damage the love that the child and the parent have for each other”, according to the document.

The amicable agreement ends a three-year battle for the couple. The relationship she had with the father, Shane Maguire, ended shortly before she discovered she was pregnant in 2014.

Breastfeeding became an issue when Curtis claimed she was unable to physically follow a court instruction to be away from Harper overnight. This also prompted her to become a spokesperson for the rights of breastfeeding mothers. Maguire said she was using this issue as an excuse to keep him away from his son.

Curtis has become an advocate for normalizing breastfeeding and faced backlash for continuing to breastfeed Harper at 30 months of age.

The new show Rehab Addict Rescue on HGTV and Discovery+ brings Curtis back to the spotlight restoring old homes. As she returns to the public eye she says, “I can’t lie and say I’m not nervous about having a show back out there”. The beginning of the eight hour-long episodes began on January 28th.



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