Jason Wahler – The TV personality admits drinking and drugs took him to a ‘very dark place’ in his early 20s

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Jason Wahler has been sober for the better part of his adult life but his addiction journey has been anything but a straight line.

The 36-year-old was first featured on the show “The Hills” in 2006 and later returned for its reboot in 2019. He was open on the revived series “New Beginnings” about his relapse in 2018 and 2020 and what motivates him every day to stay sober.

Wahler spoke to Savannah Christley just recently on her podcast called “Unlocked” about the long road he’s taken to reclaiming his life.

“This is far from easy”, says Wahler. “But it’s brought me to today and look at the work I get to do and look at the people I get to connect with. Something that I still struggle with sometimes is giving myself grace. Just because you’re sober doesn’t mean that everything becomes perfect. I think it’s still just navigating life as it comes at you and looking at the areas to improve. Something that I do like on a daily basis at the end of my day is look at my defects of character. Look where I went wrong. I identify the areas that I did really well and make amends where I need to make amends. But that way I prepare myself is for a better day tomorrow”.

After years of publicly battling addiction, he appeared on Dr. Drew’s celebrity rehab and began a life in recovery.

Jason is married to Ashley Slack and they have one child, a daughter.




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