Master P Speaks on Daughter’s Accidental Overdose

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Master P, late 90’s hip-hop icon, mourns the loss of his daughter as of May 28th, 2022.

Tytyana Miller, age 29, suffered an accidental drug overdose. Master P received a phone call from one of his other daughters, breaking the news that the former model and beloved daughter had passed. He took to Instagram shortly afterward, announcing,

“Our family is dealing with an overwhelming grief for the loss of my daughter Tytyana. We respectfully request some privacy so that our family can grieve. We appreciate all of the prayers love and support. Mental illness & substance abuse is a real issue that we can’t be afraid to talk about. With God, we will get through this. #MyAngel”

Master P first spoke on the loss on CBS Mornings with host Gayle King. P has been very open, especially in his interview with King. “My sympathy goes out to everybody that lost a child. P shares live. “I said, ‘I’m gonna turn my pain into passion and I’m gonna turn it into a purpose because I can’t get my daughter back.’ I love her and think about her every day, and it took me and my family to go through something that I just can’t stop thinking about, but I realize that I have to get out here and help and save other kids.”

The rapper continues when asked if he thought Tytyana was “getting better”, announcing that she was improving with her addiction, revealing that she had finished rehab and begun writing a book. P also reveals that their family had been aiding Tytyana in her battle with addiction for 9 years. He continues to describe her recent life, telling King that she was “happy” and had “a lot of life left in her”.

Not only is Master P openly sharing his thoughts, feelings, and prayers with the world, but he is also reactively helping others in the same situation as his daughter, mentally struggling and abusing drugs. P is working with organizations such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and ARJ, an addiction treatment center.

Master P concludes his interview with a word of advice for families struggling similarly.  “Talk about it. Don’t hold this as a secret,” he said. “When you talk about mental illness and substance abuse, people don’t want to say, ‘This happened to my kids.’ But this is affecting us as Americans. Don’t be afraid.”


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