A Sober Living House…Stocked with Plenty of Drugs

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The “Red Door” is a Hollywood rehab clinic that charges famous/wealthy clients up to 15K for treatment. The facility operates out of a mansion in Bel Air that once belonged to Ariana Grande’s mother. The owners actually had a rehab center shut down under nefarious circumstances in 2013 (it was called One80).

Owned by Alex Shohet and his therapist-wife, the clinic has had at least two patients reportedly die of an overdose at the location. Interestingly enough, this is the same allegation that warranted the shutdown of the One80 clinic.

After the closing of One80, a police investigation followed and a wrongful-death lawsuit was filed. Shohet had no formal training in the field of recovery, as a matter of fact, he worked as a computer systems engineer prior to finding a niche in L.A.’s competitive premium-rehab field.

Shohet and his wife are accused of preying on those they were supposed to be helping by taking advantage of the deep pockets of clients as well as their wealthy family members. Clients were often asked to invest or partner in the business while they were still under their care.

Apparently, their attempts to secure money from clients were often successful. A mother of one of the clients says, “He (Shohet) took advantage any way he could. He came into our lives when we were, quite frankly, struggling and upset. He preyed on our vulnerability”.

According to the coroner’s reports, both deaths were the result of overdoses. A probe into the facility’s employees showed that staffers were recent addicts themselves, had not been properly trained (if at all), lent their phones to clients so they could contact their dealers, and failed to administer any drug tests or room searches.








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